Awaken Your Senses

At Sens Coffee Co. we understand that coffee is a serious business. Our baristas use only speciality-grade coffee beans, hand-picked when the cherries are perfectly ripe. This preserves their natural characteristics and allows them to blossom with full flavour when served. Sens Coffee Co. offers a range of single origins and our flagship Superior Blend, served by our trained team of professionals.

Sens Coffee Co. serves a sophisticated breakfast and lunch menu, drawing on the freshest local produce. From simple dishes like French toast, blueberry, and ricotta pancakes, brunch favourites including eggs benedict, chilli scramble eggs and crushed avocado, and speciality sandwiches and burgers for lunch. Dine in and soak up the atmosphere, or take away and enjoy at the home or office.


Queen Street Village,

The Queen Street village enjoys a prime location on Queen Street, Southport, offering easy accessibility to visitors. The area boasts abundant car parking spaces, hassle-free drop-off and pick-up points for Uber rides, and the added convenience of being situated adjacent to the Nerang Street tram station.

Open 7 Days | Check Tenant Hours